Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Undead

I have always has a strong stomach for a bit of blood, gore and the darker side of life. I clearly remember the first time I was proper shit scared of something I watched on TV and that was Stephen King's 'The Shining' film with the always outstanding Jack Nicholson.

This may not be the most scary film to you but I was 12 and remember watching it with my Uncle at my Nana's house in Killingworth, Newcastle. Having watched it since a fair few times I always wonder what was so terrifying about it and then I remember as the eerie musical score starts. Tremendous film and an interesting fact about it not a lot of people know is that each scene changes the decoration. What I mean is that everytime you see the same hallway, corridor or room it is completely different. An added extra from Kubrick that gives you a small idea of how the gift of The Shining affected everything.

Apart from this, I don't think I have been scared at anything I have watched since. I always feel my eyes winden to take it all in as much as possible and wonder whether this means I am a bit strange. This brings me to the first book I ever read that raised the hackles on my neck. This book is Bram Stoker's Masterpiece 'Dracula'

Dracula has been a firm favourite of mine as it combines fear, erotica and lunatical (is that a word? If not it is now) characters all in a short story fantastically written from the point of view of the chief protagonists. I would put Van Helsing up there with my famous literary characters of all time.

". . .you are too prejudiced. You do not let your eyes see nor your ears hear, and that which is outside your daily life is not of account to you. Do you not think that there are things which you cannot understand, and yet which are; that some people see things that others cannot? But there are things old and new which must not be contemplate by men's eyes because they know -- or think they know -- some things which other men have told them. Ah, it is the fault of our science that it wants to explain all; and if it explain not, then it says there is nothing to explain. But yet we see around us every day the growth of new beliefs, which think themselves new; and which are yet but the old, which pretend to be young -- like the fine ladies at the opera."

He had a way with words did Abraham.

Also, the thought of being seduced by 3 sensational vampyre brides and brutally bitten to death has always appealed to me for some just pretending though. We'd need a safety word...something like 'Balderdash!'

What did annoy me recently is that I decided after all these years to watch the Francis Ford Coppella movie 'Bram Stokers Dracula' and he only went and made Dracula out to be some lonely guy who was actually alreet and fell in love and that. Bollocks to that! I like to think of him as evil incarnate and still will, nice try Francis Ford but no thanks pal. If I had wanted a romance I would have watched Love Actually or something.

Continuing with the undead theme, as of last night, I have caught right up to date with 'The Walking Dead'

What an incredible show this is, if you haven't seen it then it's a must watch and I will post the links at the bottom of this inane rambling for all 3 series. Cos I'm a good c*nt like that.

The first few episodes I couldn't get my head round as the main guy - Frank Grimes - is played by Andrew Lincoln. Lincoln is English and I watched him in a series called Teachers years ago (he also happened to be in aforementioned Love Actually...actually) so to hear him with an Atlanta, Georgia deep south yank accent was a bit mind blowing. Well that's an exaggeration, it was just mildly unsettling.

It is tremendous though, fantastic performances from all concerned and if you watch them back to back over the space of a week like I did (kept me out the pub and saved me a small fortune) then you will see timid frail characters evolve into absolute hardcases through a series of painful and miserable experiences.

And blood, whole lot of blood with zombies getting their heads caved in.

Season 1 and 2 (7Gb) -[DVDRip_BDRi

Season 3 -[VectoR]

then -

After that you'll have to get them individually but there's only 3 more left after that :(

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